EXECUTIVE | Philanthropy |  Advisor


Charlotte  Brandin
Building lasting impact rests on realizing an idea or a thought, and the ability to turn that idea into something you can touch. This conversion to achieve a goal inspires me, and is guiding the way I work with teams to success.
Executive with extensive management experience and demonstrated ability to advance philanthropic and business development, initiatives, policy, partnerships, engagement, and advocacy. A child and women’s rights and family supports advocate, with broad hands-on and creative expertise in a multitude of areas, including grant making, development, financial management, programming, board development, external relations, and media/communications. Flexible, agile and steadfast character who excels in diverse and inclusive relationship contexts. Thrive in roles both as a visionary leader and collaborator, bringing energy while managing and guiding teams through decision-making processes.

Expertise Includes: Program Development & Management / Capacity Building / Nonprofit & ForProfit Operations / External Relations / Grant Making / Health Equity / Gender Equality / Child Protection & Family Supports / Social Policy / Foundation Management / Advocacy / Communications & Social Media / Innovation & Entrepreneurship / Strategic Planning / Organizational Planning & Investments / Research / MARCOM / Event Planning & Execution

Content/copy writer; storytelling/novels; translating English <=> Swedish.
Pursuing Ph.D. in Sociology ('ABD') (University of Lund, est. 2026)
Dual U.S.-EU/Swedish citizen


  • Butterflies; Global Health Promise; Hello Future; Natural Creativity Center; BRY Barns Rättsskydd.
  • Paper at 1997 NAWRS Changing Social worker role; Research on women and sports (1998); 100+ blogs
  • Childhood USA: Mall Street USA, Inc. crickos, LLC.
  • Completed IED Interim Executive Director Training at Support Center https://supportcenteronline.org
  • Department of Sociology, Lund University; SACC; SWEA NJ
  • B.A.; Ph.D Candidate in Sociology
  • Childhood USA; Family Alliance; Charity Rating
  • Promoting risk funding to promote innovation in the philanthropic space for 20 years.
  • Established crickos, LLC
  • Child protection; young women and families
  • Assistant professor in Sociology at Lund University; TA in Women's Studies at UC Berkeley
  • Raised millions of dollars to fund project in the U.S. and globally for World Childhood Foundation.
  • Served as MC, and speaker at multiple events, fundraising dinners, conferences and seminars.
  • World Childhood Foundation; Mall Street USA, Inc.; Charity Rating
  • Swedish Women's Educational Association NJ (SWEA-NJ); Planned Parenthood NJ.


  1. -
    Board member / Advisor, BeHappy Ghana, Inc.

    Seeing as Secretary of the board, incl. advising and supporting ongoing operations, fundraising, social media and PR, and administrative tasks; to provide assistance to children and youth in after-school programs in Kisume, Ghana.

  2. -
    Board member / Advisor, Natural Creativity Center

    Supporting NCC leadership to facilitate the clarification of organizational goals and objectives, expand strategic planning, communications, branding, and fundraising connection points, and achieve significant improvements in organizational vision articulation and sustainability. Assisting the creation of partnerships to promote social justice and racial equity in board representation and overall agency focus.

  3. -
    Consultant / Advisor, Butterflies USA/India

    Engaged as consultant to Butterflies USA, to expand fundraising reach, brandin and social media impact, and supporting cross-cultural communications. Butterflies USA works to provide assistance to children, including homeless, orphans, runaways and street-connected children in India. 

  4. -
    Consultant / Board Member, Family for Every Child / Family Alliance

    Preparing operations for Family Alliance, Family for Every Child's U.S.-based affiliate, for fundraising, 'friendraising', and 'brandraising' purposes. Providing content for social media to promote FA to U.S./based supporters. Family, a global network of 40 members in 36 countries, supports children and their right to grow up in a safe family environment, by promoting advocacy, research and education. 

  5. -
    Board member / Advisor / Consultant, Global Health Promise

    Providing development and strategic advise, operational and financial management support, and digital and branding expertise, to GHP, an organization dedicated to assisting mothers who are trafficked or in sex work and their children. GHP is actively conducting research and providing direct services, including supporting maternal health and child protection, in the U.S. and in developing countries across the globe. 

  6. -
    Lead/Consultant, Entrepreneurs' Organization NYC

    Lead on Entrepreneurs’ Organization OneWorld initiative; EO OneWorld is a membership platform affiliated with the New York chapter of EO, with a mission to create more socially conscious, culturally diverse, and inclusive experiences for all EO members; and focused on creating measurable and meaningful transformations national by recruiting, retaining, empowering, and advancing entrepreneurs who are people of color, women and members of the LGBTQIA+community, which are all currently underrepresented in EO nationally.

  7. -
    Consultant / Advisor, Chances for Children

    Resource Development to raise fund and awareness for vulnerable youth, to provide infant mental health and dyadic services to families and children in the Bronx. Assisting staff and Board with rebranding website and promotional material to increase awareness of service via communications and fundraising; liaison with funders, foundations and clinical staff.

  8. -
    CEO/Co-Founder, crickos, LLC

    Co-founder with Camilla Lohrum; Developed digital platforms/social media and visual content marketing materials to gauge a company’s “good works.” Helped globally-marketed companies identify and create trusted branding while selling products. Developed marketing strategies for obtaining metrics and accurate KPIs. Assembled multiple interested parties to showcase offerings, and to illustrate additional values of social impact investments.


  9. -
    Executive Chairperson/Consultant, Charity Rating

    Led and managed all operations for Charity Rating, including recruiting operational/tech/UX team. Conceived an interactive digital platform to generate income for agency and NGO’s, raise awareness and add value benefiting Swedish charitable sector. Additionally, supervised the annual evaluations of 250+ Swedish Non-Government Organizations (NGOs). New parameter increased evaluation approval by 35% over prior year.

  10. -
    CEO, Mall Street USA, Inc.

    The U.S start-up affiliate of Swedish-based Mall Street AB, Mall Street USA was founded with the idea of creating a digital platform to realize dreams. Charged with finding investors and marketing partners, I worked with an online payment company to configure multifaceted crowdfunding strategy and details as the platform was global/internet-based. Contracted with consultant to create business plan (deck) with investment strategy for Mall Street USA.

  11. -
    Executive Director, World Childhood Foundation USA

    In charge of all operational, business development, and board responsibilities of the US foundation office. Founded by Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden in 1999, Childhood’s mission is to defend the rights of the child and the prevention of sexual abuse and exploitation of children at risk worldwide. Served as external representative of HMQ Silvia and HRH Princess Madeleine with notable individuals, businesses, and non/governmental local and global agencies. Initiated and headed fundraising, communications, financial management, project funding and partnerships. Sought and secured funding for U.S. projects (15+), in addition to raising funds for 100+ projects in global portfolio. Organized conferences and seminars at UN and other venues. As internet emerged, raised profile of Foundation by creating cost-effective campaigns and initiatives on social media and other communications/digital outlets, greatly increasing awareness in the U.S. and globally.

  12. -
    Co-Founder, Welfare Made A Difference National Campaign

    Founding member of Coordinating Committee of the Welfare Made A Difference National Campaign, NYC, NY, to reauthorize Temporary Assistance for Need Families (TANF; U.S. Congress Act Social Security Act, Title IV). Created written informational material and speaking notes. Training volunteers, coordinating and conducted lobbying and public relations actions in Washington, DC, and ongoing local actions with groups affiliated with the campaign. Managed national network of organizations that participate in the legislative efforts

  13. -
    Assistant Center Director, Planned Parenthood Golden Gate (f. Alameda/San Francisco)

    Served in several capacities in Development, PR/Marketing, Executive Management and Direct Services settings.

    Provided key staff support to Center Director and Management team at the largest affiliate in Northern California, serving 5,000+ clients/year, with multiple areas of responsibility, incl. reproductive health, rights and justice.
    Managed policy and events, Development/PR, HNWI donor cultivation, center operations, and assisted clinic M.D. and health staff to provide direct client services.
    Trained as Medical Assistant, providing direct services in reproductive health and abortion services to clients in area clinic locations.

  14. Online teacher/assistant professor, Lund University Department of Sociology

    As one of the first academic institutions worldwide, Lund's Sociology department offered online classes in sociology, feminist and organizational studies. I served as teacher/assistant professor, including developing syllabuses, mentoring and advising students located around the world, actively participating in online classes, and other forum, as well as reading and grading papers. Also served as translator of material for online classes and website content. 


  • non/for-profits operations
  • Social media
  • non-profit fundraising
  • communications & Marketing
  • project management
  • event planning & management
  • strategic Facilitation
  • Grant making
  • Board development
  • Coaching & MENTORING
  • Financial management
  • Public speaking
  • reproductive rights & Justice
  • Brandraising / Friendraising
  • External Relations
  • Policy and programs
  • TRANSLation Swe / Eng
  • ONline/remote teaching
  • Content creation
  • Editing & Proof reading
  • Packing & Organizing
  • nonprofit incorporation

Questions & Answers

Why did you choose your profession?
It chose me! And for all intents and purposes, sociology, reproductive health, women's rights, children's rights, and inclusive team work came together in philanthropy and nonprofit advocacy as a life vocation and professional endeavor.
What are you influenced by?
Constantly being aware of senses, surroundings, people, activities and motivations.
Describe your greatest accomplishment.
Accomplishments proposes a high bar. I hope that I have contributed to advancing the causes I believe in and along the way, listened to and acknowledged the people I have the fortunate opportunity to work with.
What tools do you use?
My curiosity and creative mind, constantly weighing what we do now to historical events. As contemporaries, moving the needle in our minds with our creative abilities and with our emotions, are paramount. Sharing, leading, listening, learning and teaching are ever-present items in my toolbox, and also how we communicate these values.
What are you working on right now?
Deeper engagement in the nonprofit/philanthropic space, but being a generalist, working on how we can blend differences. Brandraising, fundraising and friendraising are present in any sector, and connected to provide fuel for people and for action. Envisioning a digital tool for #disruptphilanthropy, developing my concept Emotional Industry. And, moving forward with some Swedish storytelling.
What are your long-term goals?
Contributing to a continuous movement that includes advocacy for vulnerable populations, promote risk as an innovative and sustainable strength, and creating integrity, clarity and transparency all sectors, including nonprofit/philanthropy. Continue to be with active writing and advocating in a variety of areas.

Proudest Accomplishment

Directing operations and projects for Childhood USA allocating funding for vulnerable children.

Experience Highlights

  • Executive Director at Childhood USA
    Utilizing risk funding methods to create new opportunities for nonprofit organizations
  • Executive Chairperson/Consultant Charity Rating
    Created interactive digital platform FOR SWEDISH NGOS, generating Value & raising awareness
  • Executive Director at Childhood USA
    child rights & child protection advocate Organized multiple fundraising events raising millions $$
  • Co-Founder/CEO
    designed digital ad format to ADVERTISE brand awareness of companies' investment in 'social good'.
  • Consultant
    Advising and facilitating progress for nonprofits to promote mission-driven programs and awareness

Education Highlights

  • BA
    Sociology & Nordic languages, Lund University, Sweden
  • Ph.D. Studies
    Sociology and Women's studies, Lund University, Sweden
  • Ph. D. Studies
    Sociology. Social Policy & Jurisprudence, UC Berkeley
  • Welfare Made A Difference Campaign - Co-founder
    NatioNal lobbying coalition for Reauthorization of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
  • Highlight Title


  • Family Alliance/Family for Every Child Board Member
    Supporting children and families while promoting a safe home environment
  • Global Health Promise Advisor/Board member
    Helping mothers who are trafficked or in sex work and their children.
  • Advisor Butterflies USA
    fundraising support to help street-connected children in Delhi, India.
  • #disruptphilanthropy
    Promoting equity and justice by SIMPLIFYING funding access in the non-profit and philanthropic space
  • Advisor Natural Creativity Center
    supporting outreach to build out self-directed learning for UNDERPRIVILEGED children germantown, PA.
  • Branding & Brave
    Translation Sew ENG & pr/marketing services,  child and social rights issues
  • Highlight Title


  • Advocacy & Engagement
    Planned Parenthood; #GOTV; child protection; reproductive rights
  • Philanthropy and Social Equity
    emotionalindustry.com; Community-Centric Fundraising.org